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Discover more about our relentless efforts to improve the lives of patients, employees and our communities.

All posts with Beta Thalassemia

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An image of a man and a woman in a kitchen looking at a computer screen while they cook food
Behind the smile, a look into the lives of people living with serious illness
3 min read

Learn how we explore the daily lives of those living with debilitating disease to help inform our mission.

An image of three people speaking at a conference
Embedding the patient perspective: Using research to understand patient experiences
4 min read

Learn how our teams utilize real-world research to understand the lived impacts of sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia.

An image of Vertexians with the thalassemia community at the 2023 Cooley’s Anemia Foundation Care Walks
Research and beyond: Our commitment to the beta thalassemia community
3 min read

We’ve been working with the beta thalassemia community since the inception of our research program in 2015. Learn more about our efforts and commitments around the globe.

An image of a man looking at a computer screen with a phone in his hand with a purple watercolor effect on the outside of the image
Unraveling the hidden impacts of sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia
4 min read

Understanding the real-life impacts of managing SCD and TDT.

An image of Joan Lambright and Tracy Antonelli
Give blood and keep the world beating: Voices of gratitude on World Blood Donor Day
4 min read

On World Blood Donor Day, hear from two individuals living with sickle cell disease and transfusion-dependent beta thalassemia as they share their stories, shed light on their struggles, and emphasize the impact blood donation has had on their disease and quality of life.