Authorized pharmacies and distributors
These following distributors have met our business requirements to be a Vertex authorized distributor of record (ADR) in the U.S. for JOURNAVX™. Click here for more information about them.
Authorized wholesalers:
These following pharmacies and distributors have met our business requirements to be a Vertex authorized distributor of record (ADR) in the U.S. and Puerto Rico for ALYFTREK™ (vanzacaftor/tezacaftor/deutivacaftor), TRIKAFTA® (elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor and ivacaftor), SYMDEKO® (tezacaftor/ivacaftor and ivacaftor), ORKAMBI® (lumacaftor/ivacaftor) and KALYDECO® (ivacaftor). Click here for more information about them.
Specialty pharmacies:
Accredo Health Group, Inc.
CVS Specialty Pharmacy
Fairview Specialty Pharmacy
Foundation Care, LLC, an AcariaHealth Solution
Maxor Specialty Pharmacy
Optum Specialty Pharmacy
Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy
Specialty distributors:
DMS Pharmaceutical Group, Inc.
McKesson Plasma and Biologics, LLC